According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), concrete’s common binding agent, Portland cement, is responsible for 80-90 percent of the emissions in our built environment, comprised of buildings, roads, bridges and more. PTI’s  PlusTi™ family of preservation penetrants can reduce airborne emission-related pollutants while protecting the concrete surfaces of new and aging concrete courses:

  • Capturing NOx, CO2, VOC and MPP
  • Doubling concrete’s already high level of carbon capture
  • Improving solar reflectance to reduce Heat Island Effect
  • Helping to achieve EPD compliance

PlusTi™ Ti-Intro CME® penetrant is a retrofit infrastructure preservation solution using Photo Catalytic Technology (PCT) to reduce airborne emission pollutants.

PlusTi™ Litho1000Ti® Concrete Sealer/Hardener uses PCT to similarly reduce pollutants while creating an in-depth seal for long-lasting protection against freeze/thaw cycling and against water, salt, and brine intrusion.

For more information on CO2 from the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, request publication 2PCO2.

For a deeper understanding of how the addition of TiO2 can transform concrete into effective carbon sinks, request the March 15, 2021 issue of Construction and Building Materials, Volume 275, 122131.